Brace yourselves, we are still riding the Magical Disney Train all the way to someone's 6 year-old birthday.
On the heels of one of the best vacations of my adult life, we received good news of glad tidings and great joy from Brad's employer.
This year, in the City of Denver, we watched Disney on Ice from the luxury box at the Pepsi Center. That would be a huge upgrade from the nosebleed seats we usually occupy at The Coliseum. (Which, for those of you out of towners, is nothing like the real one in Rome. It's more of a dirty, falling apart, get-me-a-shower-now, what-diseases-am-I-catching, monster truck rally kind of joint.)
Loooonnng story short, a sweet lady at Brad's office was generous enough to work some connections in order to provide Disney on Ice tickets for Lilly, her family, and a few friends.
Even though I'm always one for a delightful, homespun birthday, I will also jump at the chance to NOT clean my house amidst the December craziness.
One of my personal goals for 2009 was to have the kid's birthday parties IN the actual month of their birth. Being that I was still 7 weeks late for Jackson's Mario Bash, I was about to throw in the towel on my lofty birthday goals and aim for Mom of the Year in 2010.
But I was rescued in the nick of time and all I really had to provide were these adorable cupcakes:
I believe those banners are for sale for big money online, or you can feel your hands spontaneously cramp in chorus with mine while you picture all the cutting involved.
What's a party without Minnie ears?
At her own party.
While her friends were still awake.
Party on, Wayne.

Oh for crying out loud. I can only dream of being the fantastic creative party thrower you are. That is, in between the times I am elbow deep in poopy diapers.
Hey sorry to hear about the greens thing. Or maybe I should say Hip Hip Hooray??
this is zach. you are really funny and so is jackson and lilly.
Me: Sorry we missed! Looked so fun!!! And the pepsi center is only a 100%step up from the 'ol coliseum...
ok first of all, how is lilly 6 already? second of all, zachs comment is hilarious.
love nat.
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