There is something about sitting in a quiet house after a perfect day that makes my Thankfulness-o-meter go nuts. And if you can sit in a darkish room with enough Christmas lights to illuminate the Rockefeller Center and NOT be thankful, that is a feat unto itself.
Over the past year, I've been so blessed and humbled and grateful beyond words. Due to the obvious fact that I'm not a writer and I do much better explaining myself if you have several hours in person rather than 30 seconds on the blog, I'm not even going to attempt to express most of my deepest thankfulness via fancy electronics.
Right now, for example, I'm thankful that on at least 6 different channels, there are so many movies that make my heart race with joy.
(Even though we own ALL of them, there is something about a divine simulcast and Brad furiously working the remote that is just THRILLING.)
{And although my heart is sad that the college football season is drawing nigh, there were several fabulous games over the last two days.}
And I'm thankful that in this vast house, all four of us are sitting on exactly two couch cushions.
And I'm thankful that The Fabulous Four went shopping together and I found some very special gifts for some very special people and that's all I can say because I believe they are very faithful blog readers.
And I'm thankful for Asian Nachos, which I've had TWICE this week and whose leftovers are tucked securely in my fridge so I can have them for breakfast tomorrow.
I'm thankful for a body that tolerates long runs in the freezing cold and for David Crowder, who is a fantastic running buddy and a fine singer when I can hear him over my own sweet pipes.
I'm thankful for friends who sometimes know me better than I know myself and love me anyway. I'm grateful they laugh at my jokes, forgive my tardiness, drink lattes with me, cry with me, challenge me, love my kids, and give me glimpses of Jesus' love I thought would only be reserved for heaven.
I'm thankful for Disney World and feel slightly guilty that I enjoy something earthly so much.
I'm thankful for Christmas Vacation and love that Brad and I laugh harder every. single. year.
Oh, and Brad. He is just great. I love that we are learning new things together and can relive old memories and can talk incessantly to each other about the greatness of our kids (or how they might not live to see morning, if that's the case).
I'm thankful that for every piece of random furniture I bring home from a garage sale and want to hang/paint/stain/refurbish it, he is The Man. AND he puts up with my mismanagement of the laundry/oil changes/trash/ironing/cleaning/calendar/locking keys in car/general forgetfulness with lots of grace.
I'm thankful for scarves and flip flops and occasionally wear them together.
I'm thankful for my family. They live far away, but they are seriously The Best. I'm blessed they give Jackson and Lilly the time of their lives so we can go to Mexico. And I see their love pour out when they beg to share a bedroom and bathroom with J&L (for fun!) while Brad and I hog the master suite.
I'm also thankful for iChat.
And I am indebted to chocolate because it makes me even happier than Disney World.
And if we meet and if you have a few thousand hours, I'll tell you all the other bigger, awesomer, insanely wonderful things I'm thankful for because this year has been a leetle bit crazy {but wonderful at the same time.}
But Jesus, the One and Only, is my anchor. And of course, I am most thankful for Him.

For not wanting to put your Thankfulness on paper, you did a grat job. I,too, have so much to be thankful for. Have a blessed Holiday season. Donna
Great list! Can you share the recipe for Asian Nachos? They sound yummy!
nicole - you are seriously awesome and amazing! let's hang out more! -christina
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