Friday, January 02, 2009

Two Days Late and Many, Many Dollars Short

Jules at The Roost, in all of her fabulousness, had the creative idea to have a New Year's Eve Party where we post our Top 10 Pictures of 2008.

Just like my kids' Christmas parties at school, I have the date and time wrong, but am excited to jump right here goes!

(Oh, and these are in no particular order because it would take me until 2010 to and the entire tech support of Blogger to get them in the desired order.)

#1..Brad's 30th birthday! Nothing says "30" like playing video games with friends until the wee hours.

#2 Love this shot of my beauty relaxing and enjoying the heat at the pool. This, and her ability to burp loudly confirms she is my daughter.

#3 I have never wanted to kiss any of the Star Wars characters, but this precious Obi-Wan changed my mind about that.
#4 I love my girl and her dad fishing together in southern Colorado. I think I'd rather get a hook through an eyelid than actually fish, so I'm glad Brad is equal to the task.

#5 Family camp in Michigan was fantastic, and when I wasn't busy tubing, I even let the kids have a turn.

#6 My newborn baby turned six and lost a tooth

(And NO, I am most definitely NOT okay with that.)

#7 Um, Zorro and Captain Hook are out of control. As usual.

#8 I am still speechless over this and will laugh about it till I die.

#9 Jackson, the ultimate sous-chef, was my main assistant in the kitchen this year. 

I am praising the Lord, because for the first time since I birthed children, one of them actually contributes to the finished baking project instead of merely attempting to crack eggs and smear them around while I'm not looking.

#10 And last but not least, Indy and Dorothy just melted me in October.

Here's to 2009...and the many blurry pictures to follow!



  1. What adorable kids, and great pics from 2008! Wish I were closer so I could get to know you and your kids better. God bless you all in 2009. Donna

  2. Nicole you and your family are the cutest thing ever! I was thinking last night that I wish you had posted pictures! I am SO glad you did! That one with the hugs made me LOL too! It has been so fun getting to know you and your precious family! Have a great day, girl!

  3. I love your pictures.

    The hug with the pants falling down is the best thing I have ever seen.

    I want you to design every Halloween costume for the rest of my days.

    And that birthday cake really made me hungry.

  4. I thought these pictures were so sweet : ). A little crack in a picture always amps up the adorableness! As long as it is not of a plumber : ). Hope your 2009 is delightful! Those Halloween costumes were SO adorable : ). Happy New Year!

  5. Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one that struggles with putting pictures in order on Blogger.

    The pics are adorable! My fave is the halloween one.

  6. That toothless photo is priceless. One you'll cherish forever, I'm sure.
    Happy New Year!

  7. Visiting from the Roost. You have the cutest full of personality. I love the picture of your daughter and her friend and the post. What a great friendship. Happy 2009!
