Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Defender of the Weak

As I sit here, speechless, I am awed yet again by God's graciousness and miraculous power.

For the past few days, every spare thought and even breath has been consumed with prayer, praise, and honestly, begging of God on behalf of our friend, Aidyn.

Joined by hundreds of others, I've prayed that He would divinely intervene in Aidyn's spinal cord, where a tumor resided.

That's right. 


By His grace, God has seen fit to deliver her through the most intricate of surgeries, led by a team of amazing doctors, but not surpassed His supernatural intervention.

A journey of recovery and more treatment lies ahead, but for tonight, tears of thanks and glory accompany my unrestrained smile.

God laid the foundations long before time.

He shut the sea behind doors when it burst forth.

He made the clouds and gives orders to the morning.

He cares about the life of one amazing 10 year-old in the midst of his five billion children.

No tumor is too mighty, no prognosis too bleak, no weight in my heart too heavy.

"The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy." 
Psalm 126:3

Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. Praising Him right along with you, sister... God is AWESOME!!!

  2. What a wonderful Thanksgiving Day for you and for this family. God is so good.

  3. AMEN!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Just reading this and thankful for HIS grace and goodness...I'll keep lifting her up as she heals.
