Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Boldy Approach the Throne

On this Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I have a huge request to put forth to friends, family, and anyone with faith in Jesus.

Our sweet friend, Aidyn, is undergoing surgery this morning to remove a tumor from inside her spinal cord. She is ten years old.

The tumor was discovered just Monday, it is likely cancerous, and the surgery is incredibly delicate due to the location at the base of the brain.

Pray with me right now that they are able to remove this tumor and there are no complications during the surgery. 

This is Aidyn holding Lilly five years ago in the hospital right after she was born:

Psalm 46:1
"God is our refuge and strength, our ever-present help in time of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear..."

I am so thankful God can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine...


  1. Nicole, I'm running 23 miles this morning and I'll hold her up in prayer as I run.

  2. Dear Father,
    Thank you for allowing us to take refuge in you and know that you care deeply for us. Please surround Aidyn and her family with your grace and peace. Amen.
