Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Just Ducky Indeed

In case you were unclear, our family OWNS a digital camera, we are just not good at remembering to bring it places or actually using it.

So yet again, this post will be filled with fantastic photos that were taken with Brad's camera phone.

Because we are obsessed with quality blogging.

Lilly's preschool class celebrates "Just Ducky Week" where she is the featured superstar and they plaster her face all over a mock-up for "Us Weekly" to prepare her for future fame and glory.

She also gets a ducky necklace to wear and they sing a cute theme song. Just like "Us Weekly" does for Hillary Duff.

Anyway, here is Lilly basking in her Ducky glory:

Here she is receiving her Ducky necklace from her teacher. I feel led to point out that she insisted on wearing those boots on the wrong feet. Much like I insisted wearing two different colored socks and layering them in the 80's.

After GREAT deliberation, Lilly chose Jackson to hold the poster she specially made for this day. As you can tell, he was very humbled and thrilled by the honor:

I wish you could see all the photos on there because Lilly chose them all herself. (That would be evident if you could see them because they aren't remotely interesting to the general public or even a realistic snapshot of her life.)

She told the class all about the picture of the scooter she had when she was two. Brad and I sat there trying to pretend like we were thrilled with her public speaking skills and fantastic memory when Lilly recounted:

"Here I am riding my scooter when when I was two. I loved to ride in the street with my eyes closed, not wearing a helmet."

Right on, girl! Next time be sure to include how we walk barefoot across hot coals and never wear sunscreen.

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