Thursday, December 13, 2007

If Only a Hat Could Change Lives

I really feel this hat embodies everything I am about.

For starters it nicely covers dark roots, which I am known to sport about 80% of the time.

Secondly, it is brown.

Thirdly, it discuss at length my favorite food group.

Fourthly, it is made by Life is Good...probably the best sportswear company around unless you like ugly things that aren't comfortable.

Fifthly, it is so cute.

Sixthly, there is a matching long sleeve t-shirt and mug. While it might be a bit much to wear/carry them all at the same time, it might be nice to own all the pieces in the collection because THEY ARE CUTE.

In short, I feel this would be a nice accessory to own because it is so versatile...from the kindergarten drop-off loop to the gym to the Super Target.

And that about summarizes my very glamorous existence.

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