Wednesday, July 06, 2011

More Riveting Vacay Pics to Come...

...but until are the kids at basketball camp:

{with our BFF Zach}

They are in HEAVEN hoopin' it up this week. Lilly is the only girl and the youngest one there, but she handled it like a champ.

The hoops are 10 feet high and she's used to shooting on an 8 footer.

My mama bear instincts wanted to panic and talk to the coaches to make sure everything was ok.

But instead I kissed her, told her to have a great time, play hard, and prayed for 3 solid hours that she would know God was with her if things felt tough.

And she loved it!

1 comment:

  1. She is fantastic!
    You are fantastic!
    Praise be to God for caring about the details!
