Saturday, June 11, 2011


Have you ever wondered what it's like to live with Mary Katherine Gallagher??

I don't.

{She borrowed the camera.}

High jumps on the tramp make her face break out in crazy squiggles.

She works on stunts and mid-air poses. And makes her friends watch. And makes her mom take pictures.

Last night she went to a sleepover. Backpack bulging, I asked Lilly what she packed.

After listing ten items, there was no mention of a) clothes, b) toothbrush, or c) sleeping bag.

But I bet they had fun.

Maybe an SNL career in her future. Here's to sight gags.

Bird update: They're driving me nuts since they only want to lay there in a big fur ball. I want them to move around and show some beak. Not happening. I'll post pics soon.

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