Saturday, January 09, 2010


Now that Christmas is over, can we please fast-forward to summer?

To knee-boarding...

And lily pads...

And diving boards...

And hiking...

And Super Nanny...

And goggles and ice cream and cherry limeades...

To flip-flops and sunshine and no school and heat.

To grass and tank tops and lemonade and swimming and daylight after 4 p.m.

To baseball and hot dogs and the smell of hamburgers on the grill.

And Super Soakers in my sink.


(Especially the ice cream).


  1. I'm with you, girl! This has already been the longest winter...

  2. HA! Im pretty sure that I just said that whole list yesterday to a friend!

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Amen to that!!!!


  4. That is perfect - I want it ALL! - christina

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