Thursday, October 22, 2009

This About Says It All


I recognize that there is a lot of info I've left out in the past two months...

I've missed Ye Olde Blog, but haven't had time to give it any love.

And honestly, I don't have time right now...but I had to share a few of my favorite pictures from Disney World:

Having the best time in your life is really tiring.

And I'm not even including the photos I took of them asleep on the floor of the airport in the baggage claim (*SHUDDER*) because I can smell the filth through the screen.

{note: do not judge my hair. Splash Mountain does not offer blow dryers and/or styling products at the conclusion of the ride.}

So instead, here's one of them asleep in the waiting area of the airport.

Only barbarians would run their kids so hard that they were grasping for sleep anywhere and everywhere at the end of the week.



  1. Im just glad the thumb is back... and you all too!

  2. Must have been a "magical" trip-- it had to have been if it was Disney!
