Friday, July 03, 2009

Grand New Cheap Painted Flag

Well, this post has been in the works since Flag Day in June, which I know everyone celebrated with great fanfare and revelry.

But since I have been busy corralling the entire neighborhood and their dietary needs, blogging hasn't been at the forefront of my priorities.

But since July 4th is on the horizon, I get another chance to showcase my lackluster copycat skills.

I *love* the Fourth of July with all of my heart. 

The patriotic clothing (good, bad, and even tacky), parades, food, fireworks, and baseball games simply rock.

It is like the perfect storm of activity, delicousness, and fashion all rolled in ONE DAY. 

For the last several years, we've kicked off the fun on July 3rd with a Rockies game (don't worry, I don't actually cheer for them), followed by a trip onto the field to watch an amazing fireworks show. 

Last year we ingested enough ash and shrapnel (including some actual firework chunks) that I'll be bringing surgical masks this year.

But anyway...on to less important things:

Don't know if y'all have seen this goodness from Pottery Barn, but I'd been thinking about it for awhile.


That is just for the insane.

So of course, I set out to paint my own.

Piece of plywood: $0--found in basement

Craft paint: 69 cents

Star stencil: $2

And, that brings our total to $2. 69.

Obviously, I can't pretend that it's anywhere near the artistic quality of PB, but for $126.31 cheaper than advertised, I'll trade a little quality for CASH.

Brad decided the only way to hang it (on our deck...looks fab) was to screw it into the house.

So, we may have falling roof tiles, a faulty A/C system, basement floods, and patchy grass, but at least when we sell the house, it will include a cheap plywood flag.



  1. love it & your so patriotic Nicole!!! (i'll just ignore your rockies comments for now) ... world series ring a bell :)

  2. Way to go, Betsy Ross!

  3. Nicole-
    I sent you your proof early last week. Please let me know if you didn't get it. Thanks!
