Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July Remix

As you can tell by our hats, we are devoted Rockies fans...

...but that didn't stop us from enjoying the most amazing fireworks I've ever seen from on the field.

 And I know you've been waiting with baited (bated?) breath to see the barrettes:

We loved the parade with our old Highlands Ranch gang:

Lilly and Lainey do the Target shirt proud:

I don't have pictures of the torrential rains and monsoon-like downpour that happened during our church picnic.

But I can safely say that my bones are still chilled from the extreme cold that I will never forget.

Instead, I choose to remember the blue skies and happier times...


1 comment:

  1. hopefully you didnt get beat up by any rockies fans...

    as for those cute 4th of july girls, Im sure they will be in targets july ad 2010!
