Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I'm Going to Gain 10 Pounds in the Name of Patriotism

I am proud to say that for once in my life, I planned ahead and took care of all this voting business last week.

It was a very tender moment involving me and the voting volunteers, which consisted of 15 elderly ladies crocheting (I'm not even making that up). They had Lilly sitting on their lap, talking in silly voices, while feeding her as many cookies as her stomach could hold. Meanwhile I read through 9 zillion amendments to the Colorado constitution and received only a sticker.

Thankfully, I am done with all the voting and now I can hit the town for some freebies!

After dropping Lilly off at preschool, I headed to Starbucks for my free coffee.


Later today, I'll cruise through Chick-fil-A for a chicken sandwich, Krispy Kreme for a donut (well, maybe) and tonight, since "Dancing With the Stars" has been pre-empted for election coverage (whatever), the fam will head to Ben & Jerry's to round out our butts...I mean, day.

Actually, I am incredibly humbled to live in a nation where we do get to vote and live in freedom. Brad and I were trying to explain to the kids what it is like in other places in our world in this present day. It's hard to fathom the oppression and fear in which so many people are forced to survive.

Some of the best thoughts on voting as believers with hope that extends far beyond today, I've read here and here.

And Jules got me hungry when I read this because a tasty dinner always makes life more fun.

But now, I have to go back to the dentist before my sugar-fest later today.

This hymn (or is it just a song?) has been running through my head for the past few days, and I know it's God putting it on my heart since hymns don't usually occupy my thoughts.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in his wonderful face.
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of his glory and grace.



  1. OKAY, I have chills all over me because THAT is the hymn that has been in my mind ALL day! God is up to something! :)

  2. I love your post!

    This morning...I am not even kidding...I put in my Selah Greatest Hymns CD and listened to all of the great ones. It Is Well With My Soul...Great Is Thy Faithfulness...they totally covered me with a peace that could only come from God.
