Friday, October 03, 2008

Tomatoes, Leggings & Politics--More Related Than You've Ever Thought

In my wildest dreams, I had no idea leggings would stir such emotion in the hearts and souls of you people. I interpret it as a cry to focus on the truly important things in life instead of politics and bank bailouts.

I hope to see all of you wearing them sometime soon. 

And I think my interest in politics would skyrocket if the presidential candidates took a few more fashion risks themselves.

Sarah Palin could definitely pull off the leggings and I'd love to see Obama in a pair of cords with a fall sweater. In an attempt to visualize McCain as laid back and loose, I think he should bust out a vintage track suit. 

That would really give us something to talk about.

(Insert awkward transition HERE)

Remember back in August when I fantasized about being ALONE with my Mac in Panera (hopefully eating), just enjoying some solitude?

Six weeks into the school year, the day of my fantasy finally arrived.

Brad had a break during the day, so we met to have a fun fall lunch, then I quickly ushered him back to work so I could be alone with my very own thoughts, which include (but are not limited to) pumpkins, Halloween costumes, and The Cubs: Toying with the Hearts of America.

(I am the picture of focus and concentration.)

I had the tomato and mozzarella panini, which was unbelievable beyond words. Especially when dunked in the french onion soup. 

In fact, I'm going to try to recreate it today using my waffle iron. I've heard you can do such thing, but there is some worry that my tomatoes will taste like syrup. Not that it wouldn't be good, but there's probably a reason that Syrupy Tomatoes haven't made the menu at too many restaurants.

Even though I only plowed halfway through my email inbox, it was still great to just have a few moments to breathe in and out without getting up because I feel guilty about not doing more laundry/dishes/vacuuming/cleaning/whatever.

I even documented this occasion with Photo Booth:

I really have no magical thoughts to tie all this randomness together. We have a busy weekend ahead and I'm already focused on working in a Starbucks run to keep me awake.

So in conclusion: John McCain should not wear leggings while eating tomatoes and waffles.


1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I love Panera - it's a perfect spot to relax. And the breads are delish!
