Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Somebody Stop Me

I just wanted you to know that I am wearing leggings today.

In public.

And I am over the age of 30.

I'll let you know how it goes.



  1. No pictures??? Come on! I have to know what's on the top half: a fluffy tunic? A sports bra? An adorable t-shirt that meets the waist band? Are you wearing umbros over the leggings? What about leg warmers?? Do you have a scrunchie around your ankle?? Or layered socks?

    I need more information.

  2. I did it yesterday. It felt.... weird, but a little bit cute, but mostly just plain weird. Not sure I'll do it again.

  3. I need a few more details before I can judge if it was a good move or not.

  4. This must have been legging day. I went to a meeting and nearly all the females had on leggings. Many were way over 30.

  5. you looked WAY cute. :) i'm just getting to know you, but the look definitely fit you. wish i could pull off cute and trendy wardrobe changes -- maybe one of these days i'll give it a try, too. or not...
