Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some Critical Issues

We are safely home from the mountains, all tired out and refreshed at the same time. All four of us slept in the same room, which is usually a prescription for disaster. Jackson has the unparalleled ability to sleep with the same loudness that is usually reserved for outdoor playground settings.

However, we were so exhausted that I managed to sleep a few hours and revive myself with strong doses of coffee in the meantime.

Just like at home.

So now that we're back, I am tending to Very Important Bidness.  Notice I didn't say "Important" Bidness.

But I could have.

1) Last night I finished reading "Twilight," by Stephenie Meyer. 


In case you're in a cave (or more sophisticated than me, which is more likely), her series of books have caught like wildfire and everywhere I turn, click, or talk, people are reading them. It is not fine literature (like "In Style" or "Everyday Food") but IT IS SOME GOOD READIN'.

Given the premise (vampire love story), it sounds a little wacky, and I don't like sci-fi (unless it involves Ewoks) or animal stories, for that matter.

But I couldn't put this book down. Now I've got to start the next ones before the movies come out in November. Guess I won't have time to clean the shower today.


I will write more eloquently (per my usual style) about this grand topic. 

But for now, just know that my excitement rivals the birth of my kids. Brad entered us in the post-season ticket lottery, and we were accepted. I'm not exactly sure what that means, except that I think we can buy tickets and have to figure out how to get to Chicago.

No big deal, it's only 1,000 miles away and the cost of fuel is similar to our mortgage payment.


3) My precious niece comes to visit today. She is 2 1/2, so I'll be lacing up my running shoes to keep up with her, while her parents have a leisurely vacation in the mountains. 

Rylie is really into princesses, a phase that has eluded Lilly, so I will get my Little Fancy Girl Fix.

Also, we're going to attempt family pictures while she's here, which causes me to pour sweat and question all fashion judgment simultaneously.

Oh, and my face also broke out in anticipation of this blessed event. 


4) "Dancing with the Stars" is back! Just knowing that makes me want to bust out the nude-colored pantyhose that I haven't worn since fifth grade band.

I didn't get to watch last night (because of the aforementioned vampires), but it's at the top of the TiVo queue for this evening.

After taking family pictures, I need to calm myself by eating pizza and looking at perfectly sculpted bodies. Doesn't that sound relaxing?

5) Today is my dad's birthday. After a unexplained brain hemorrhage a year and a half ago, I'm thankful in an entirely new way for each birthday he celebrates.

63 never looked so good.

And would you believe this is what I read this morning:

"Now I know that you save your anointed, O Lord;
You answer from your holy heaven
With the saving strength of your right hand.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
But I will remember your name, O Lord my God."
Psalm 20:6-7

God is so good.

Dad, if I were with you, I'd buy you a Starbucks to celebrate. (Or barbeque, or Mexican, or a bowl of soup.) 

You are the best!



  1. I'm just about to start book #3. What is it about those books? I can't believe that I like them.

    I'm watching DWTS as I type. I love Warren Sapp!!

    Happy Birthday to your Daddy!!

  2. yesssss!!! I have not thought about the orchestra get-ups in so long! The required nude nylons! And acrylic red sweaters! This is some fanatastic stuff right here. Thanks for the memories :). -Katie
