Monday, August 04, 2008

I Lied

I would just like to say that Papa is good at a lot of things.

Like being the Master of Fun at Sea World.

And helping Jackson be brave on "Journey to the Atlantis." 

And showing Lilly proper alligator-petting technique.

And watching Pirates in 4-D until the fake pirates get too scary.

But y'all, Papa is not a pro in all areas of grandparenting.

He is most definitely disallowed from applying sunscreen. 


Because his technique is more "Goth Halloween Costume" than "Effective UV Protection."

I'm so thankful God has uniquely gifted each of us. Let's stick to our strengths, people.



  1. Funny! Guys just don't get it when it comes to sunscreen on kids...until it is too late.

  2. First, I am so thankful that you lied to us...Second, I would be surprised if my dad even knew how to open a bottle of sunscreen let alone apply it correctly. Also, I had to laugh a little because there isn't a better time to suck your thumb than when you are drowning in sunscreen.

  3. i have been a regular lurker on your blog, i know that's a bit creepy, but had to say that after an insane day of over the top whiny kids catching up on some of your recent blogging (especially looking at the rainbow pics) helped out my day immensely. san diego (where we live) has "great" weather (meaning no weather), but also no rainbows. my sis (amy lacina) turned my onto your wonderful blogging - thanks!

  4. poor Lillers, or shall I say Casper the not so happy ghost. love seaworld...

  5. Missed you and the kids at the pool yesterday, you would have been a great addition. Hope Brad's mom is doing better!

  6. nice job. if you get sunburned through that you are way too close to the sun.

  7. we were at sea world last week!!! when were the kids there? or is there more than one sea world?
