Monday, June 30, 2008

Home Sweet Suburban

Sorry I've been away from The Blog for a bit, bit we've been a little busy.

For starters, I'm mobile blogging via Brad's Blackberry.

I was always, "Who blogs from their Blackberry? Psychos?" But now I know.

It's people who are on a cross-country road trip, except they're on I-80 and the traffic has been at a DEAD STANDSTILL for an hour so the "road trip" has turned into more of an "interstate house party."

And my 4 year-old has some pressing lavatory needs.

But the Suburban is not lavatory-equipped.

Brad is in the third-row command seat, firing up his laptop in order to figure out why people who should be driving their vehicles are milling about on the highway as if a troupe of jugglers and fire-breathers were about to parade right past.

But he is not having success.

So if you know why we are here (wherever "here" is), feel free to shoot me a text.

Our plan was to drive through the night and return to the Mile High City around sunrise so Brad could head to work all rested and refreshed (and oily!) after driving all night long.

But alas, we might be Campin' on I-80.

Sounds like a horror movie to me.

I'll let you know how it goes.

In the meanwhile, we're looking for stale french fries to stockpile in case this is an all-nighter.



  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Any idea what happened?

    Jon & Laura

  2. Oh no! That does sound like a nightmare. Hope everything goes ok. (And hope you find something better to eat than stale french fries!)

  3. look under the car seats, Im sure you'll find some tasty treats there!

  4. I think you could make some money by patenting a optional toilet module for suburbans and like modes of transportation. Beats the old water bottle trick.

  5. jelly jars and coke cans/bottles work well. this is a tip that was passed on to me by a mother of 5. whichever one of us gets to try it out first can let the other know how it REALLY works.
    those trips from colorado to basically anywhere in the midwest are always rough. glad you're back and we'll see you tomorrow w/ side dish in hand!
