Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blog Makeover Giveaway

As you know, there's nothing I love more than ANYTHING that's FREE!

(Although Chick-fil-A discontinued their Free Breakfast Tuesdays, so I am standing in the kitchen wondering What On Earth I will eat and can I possibly make a Chicken Biscuit at home?)

And my very special blog designer, Jenny, is at it again!

She's hosting a giveaway at her site for a free blog makeover for you AND a friend! How fun is that?

Head over to her website to check out her amazing designs...you'll be hooked! If your blog already has a design you love, you can enter to win for a friend, add buttons, or get a re-design.

It's kind of like summer tank tops or ice cream--you can never have enough variations!

It's also like exclamation marks in this post! You! Can't! Ever! Have! Enough!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads-up! I used your name as my friend. Hope that's ok!?!
