Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Quality of the Actual Blogging Will Not Improve

Well, what do you think?!

(A lot of you have already told me, but pretend we are doing this for the first time.)

I had planned a grand unveiling for my new blog design, but my Sweet Toothless Pumpkin stole the show. Jackson woke up with a letter from TTF this morning (doesn't that sound a little more manly for a boy than The Tooth Fairy?) and has been celebrating his ten shiny quarters all day.

(Another advantage of TTF is that he doesn't have a big spending reputation like The Tooth Fairy, so he can give away less dinero.)

(He is also a fluent Spanish speaker.)


This is my big chance to send some bloggy love to Jenny, my fabulous blog designer! As you can tell, she has much talent with the digital scrapbook software as well as technical bloggy know-how.

Since I possess neither of those talents (along with singing and gardening) she and I were a perfect combination.

Also, she is a newlywed and schoolteacher in the same North Texas stomping grounds where I was once a newlywed and schoolteacher.


She's super speedy, a great communicator, and did I mention ARTSY and CREATIVE as all get out? Oh, and REASONABLY PRICED!

That was key for me. I don't want to call her "cheap" because of the obvious implications, but for those of you like me who are blogging along while shielding your eyes from your very own home page because of all The Ugly, Pink Armchair Designs is the answer to your prayers.

*************LIVE BLOGGING UPDATE*****************

Talk to me about this boxing theme on Idol?! What?! I am confused? Would they have shared Syesha's weight with all of America?

The sad part is that I barely care any more, but STILL.


Is Paula even wearing a top or just a blingy necklace? H-E-L-P!

It's official: Idol has jumped the shark.

************BACK TO THE MEDIOCRITY****************

Well, that's really all. Yea for Jenny!

Also, if Sylvester Stallone appears on Idol tonight, I will die.

Thank you.



  1. Love the new look!!!

  2. Ok since I've already gone nuts over your new blog format I will move straight on to another passion of my own, Idol. I didn't get into the whole boxing theme either. Lame. And my sister and I talked just last night about how long they've been planning that, and how OBVIOUS it was that they were trying to get Syesha off last week so they could do their stupid boxing theme. I mean, PAULA, sweet Paula, said she wasn't good enough to make it into the finals. After she sounded GREAT! What??? Thank you for teaching me a new phrase, "jump the shark." I do hate to think Idol has jumped the shark. But maybe you're right.

  3. I love your new blog design! So cute!

    I might have to think about giving my blog a makeover, too. (She's in need of some work ;)

  4. your redesigned blog is super cool.
    ditto on idol. waste of time for me at this point in the game. oh well.

  5. The quality of your content CAN'T improve! Now your design matches your content.

    Why am I the only guy ever on this thing?

  6. like the new look.

