Sunday, May 11, 2008

Beyond Chocolate and Jewelry

In honor of Mother's Day, here is my list of things I never realized would make great Mother's Day gifts until I became a Mom. At which point, it became obvious that the marketers behind all those Mother's Day gift campaigns on TV are MEN. Not moms. 

These things are priceless treasures in which I place more value than my fake Coach handbag. (I can't even say "faux" Coach handbag because that makes it sound classier than it really is.)

(Pictures to come later this week.)

Top 10 Favorite Things For Mother's Day

1. A happy attitude


3. Running errands with a joyful spirit, eagerness, and the sentiment, "Mom, would you like to go one more place? Wouldn't it feel good to cross that off your list and get it done now?"

4. Keeping chair legs on the floor during breakfast

5. Not fake-crying while I comb your hair

6. The plaster handprint

7. A marigold planted in a Dixie cup (dead or alive)

8. A drawing of "Mom & Me" where neither one of us are recognizable but my legs are the slimmest they've ever looked due to lack of detail and inability to draw cellulite

9. On second thought, I do accept chocolate and jewelry

10. Brown paper packages tied up in strings (If my kids ever arrange for Julie Andrews to sing to me while we bounce on the bed and dry out from a rainstorm, I'll be forever grateful.)

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