Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hopefully I'll Find Time to Wash My Hair

I've been thinking about the fact that if I lived on the East Coast, it would only be two hours until American Idol comes on, as opposed to the heart-wrenching FOUR hours I currently face.

I'm also conflicted because The Biggest Loser is narrowing down finalists, Dancing with the Stars has a results show, and my first love, American Idol, will be coming to me "live" (via my tiVo) from the Kodak theater in merely a few hours.

And then the Lord spoke to my heart in a gentle whisper:

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds." James 1:2

I believe I am being refined this very minute.


  1. Gee, watched any reality TV lately? :)

  2. I had no idea you were such an Idol fan! It's possible that I'm the biggest American Idol geek alive, because I do run a pool with 55 players, $10 buy in. I'll send you tonight's email incase you're interested in playing next year :-) ac
