Saturday, March 22, 2008

Because I'm Positive You Care Deeply

A few, small, newsworthy items that I've numbered! Because, LOOK! I'm organized now!

1. The Flood
Let me start by saying that I appreciate the loving care and concern so many of you have shared over the Self-Inflicted Flood of Stupidity '08.

Precious Brad (who is eligible for sainthood after this latest debacle) labored to get the contents of the basement dryish to quite dry. The only major casualties were all things that don't belong to me. So while I'm relieved on a personal level, the guilt runneth deep as I share with others who dared to leave their belongings in our home that their things are lost forever.

Luckily, one of the victims is my mom who understands my track record for disaster dating back to a small carpet fire around age five. And some other incidents I'd rather not recount in case she has forgotten.

2. Car News
After being separated from the 'Burb for yet another 3 days after a not-so-minor relapse, it's back and running with all doors attached. (Which I still do not believe is too much to ask).

A longish, rubbery, black piece wasn't staying glued to the left side, causing an eccentric aerodynamic effect, forcing other drivers to honk and roll down their windows at stoplights to inform me of the plight.

At least when it snowed tonight, my seat warmer came in handy. Finally.

3. Easter Menu
There's nothing to quite get oneself over the heartache of an unnecessary flood like food. Even though as I write this, my stomach is still full from the Best Apple Crisp Ever I am still anxiously awaiting tomorrow when I get to eat again. Don't worry, I don't treat my pain with food. Oh no, I don't.

I'm hoping to take pictures tomorrow, but if I get distracted actually eating Easter dinner instead of taking blurry pictures, here's the plan:

Strawberry-Pear Salad on Mixed Greens
Fresh Baked Whole Grain Bread
Mini Zucchini Muffins
Creamy Macaroni and Cheese
Roasted Asparagus
Filet Mignon
Chocolate Espresso Pound Cake

So you see, it will be very good and very light. I'll probably try on my swimsuit right after lunch.

Or at least lube up with some self-tanner.


  1. can i invite myself over to your place for lunch? i think we may be serving mac & cheese over here...

  2. I'm going to say to go with the self-tanner...just a hunch. I won't be putting my suit on until the VERY last minute this season...after a good spray tan.

  3. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again - taking you feeds also, Thanks.
