Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I Cannot Figure Out Where He Got That Competitive Gene

Here we have Jackson racing the 110m hurdles on the Wii.

This was probably take number seven, because Brad and I couldn't hold the camera still enough on the first six because we were laughing so hard.

That said, this video IN NO WAY does justice to what this looks like in person.

We truly weren't trying to capture his reaction to losing (just the wild nunchuck flinging and facial expressions), because he'd actually WON this race several times earlier. But the pressure of the camera, boom mic, and spotlights was apparently too much.

I wanted to do another take, but then my camera went dead. At which time I remembered the charger is in Texas.

At least I got home with my kids.

And the Wii.

As for the walls being lined with furniture...we still are in our full bowling alley glory.

And my left glute is not feeling any better.


  1. I think they made the controllers with arm bands just for your family. Jackson might want to invest in a helmet, Ty & I almost peed our pants laughing.

  2. Our family room looked the same way until I made them take the Wii down down in the basement!

  3. I LOVE all the Wii blogs. We gotta get one.
