Monday, November 05, 2007

We Made It

Eleven hours into this Grand Driving Odyssey, the front seat is starting to get a little toasty. And the seat warmers are not on. The army of power inverters and 3 cigarette lighters giving it their all are just a little cozy.

I can't imagine how those people in mobile SWAT units wear all that heavy equipment and stand around the blazing inferno of technology in the back of old vans. Which is why I'm a mom.

Anyway, I should take this opportunity to brag on our amazing little bear cubs. We have only stopped twice, and one time, the babes didn't even get out. The second time was at Subway, which ended up being gross (fresh bread, I think NOT) but they soldiered on thanks to some chocolate milk.

While I was trying to "nap" (a loose term since I am genetically unable to sleep in the car) Lilly's only offense was that every 15 minutes she would shout (over the noise of her headphones), "I LOVE YOU, MOM!" Seriously, I cannot be annoyed by that.

And let me also sing the praises of travelling with a 5 year-old. He is the master of the DVD player and even reads stories to his little sister. I am basically not needed. Except that he'll call up to the front and say, "Hand, mom." He then grabs my hand and squeezes it 3 times...universal for "I love you." One of those an hour and I'm feeling great.

As you all know, I'm just excellent with the camera phone, so I thought I'd capture one last shot of this gorgeous Arizona sunset. The picture doesn't even look half-beautiful because it's more dashboard than sunset and I can't adjust the aperture of the cell phone camera (which, by the way, is hanging on exactly ONE hinge) and it took me an obscene amount of time to rotate the picture.

But I am committed to this blog, y'all.


  1. oh how i do miss those sunsets. glad you guys made it! i wish i had as much commitment to anything as much as you do to this blog. =) that rocks.
    enjoy the 90 degree weather this week!

  2. oh how i do miss those arizona sunsets. glad you guys made it! enjoy the 90 degree november weather.
    and kudos on your blog commitment. i wish i was as committed to anything as much as you are to this blog. =) you rock.

  3. Oh THANK GOODNESS! I am happy that you made it, but even more elated that you are continuing to blog...I was really worried about how I was going to put off doing serious work all week with out your blog ;-) I have been put at ease! The procrastination continues!
