Friday, November 16, 2007

Very Important Post About Hair

If I even have to justify this post or explain why hair is one of the Top 3 most important female fashion topics, maybe you are not my ideal reader.

Sorry, Dad.

But in case I do have to have to put some minds at ease, I think even the Bible talks about a woman's hair being her crown. Or maybe that is humility. Either way...

I recently had one of the proudest hair moments of my life. That is not saying much, I know, but I did want to document it.

Earlier this summer I had 8 or 9 inches chopped right off. Just couldn't take it anymore to the point that I couldn't even get one more measely inch to grow to donate to Locks of Love. Not sure they'd wanted chlorinated, highlighted, dry blond hair, but you never know.

This is what I had chopped off and I want you to know I am swallowing any remaining pride to post something this offensive in nature:

Not sure if you can tell from the picture, but the split ends look like they belong on a tortured Barbie. I mean, could I have used a flat iron? Could I have curled under the horse mane ends? Could Brad have said, "Honey, why don't you try a ponytail or a very opaque head covering today?"

I know, that is really embarrassing. I will not even out the friend of mine who took this photo and didn't stage an intervention right then and there, but she was recently seen shopping at Jo-Ann with me...

Even though the above tragedy occurred in December, it still took me until JUNE to remedy the situation. A lovely West Texas girl who reminded me of Jaime Pressly cut off a squirrelly looking chunk from the back and threw it in my lap. Terrifying, indeed.

But the hair looked much improved for Kimbo's wedding:

Side view:
(I sure love me some necklaces, don't I?)

So, moving in what I thought might be the right direction, I got another several inches walloped off the dry, brittle locks last month.

The stylist and I discussed what we thought the length would look like and I felt nearly bald by the time she was done. But hair grows, so no sweat.

It really does a lot for my new look when I make stupid faces to go with it. You keep that in mind.

And here is where I stop rambling but get to the part that actually makes this a victory.

Don't know if you've met her, but our little family has a gem named Emilie. She married my cousin a few years back and the family collectively marvelled at her beauty and style.

She was wearing the headband-with-ponytail look years and years ago before Target picked up on it and exploited all soccer moms by making us fashion clones. Emmo's clothes look so original and amazing on her, but they are clearly Out Of Bounds for me.

If I tried to pull off some of Emmo's looks, I'd make the Fashion Don'ts page of Glamour every month. Truth be told, that could likely happen anyway seeing as Brad has to remind me that it's okay to change out of my sweaty workout clothes and take a shower.

But I recently saw Emilie's hair.

Big Announcement: We are sporting the same look! (I am trying to post a picture of her, but it's not working, so you'll have to trust me on this one.)

I'll not pretend for one second that we are fashion/hair/shopping/accessorizing equals. But this one moment in time I will savor until my split ends betray me and I am back in Hair Turmoil.

I have got to go shower and get out of these workout clothes.

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