Thursday, November 08, 2007

Valley of the NASCAR

So this is the deal...we are in Phoenix because Brad has to work here as The Clampetts and 200,000 of their closest relatives are comin' on down for some good ol' NASCAR fun, y'all! And since his employer is a sponsor of The 17 Car, the kids and I are here to show support by sunning ourselves at fine resorts while Obsessed NASCAR Fans live in RV's, grill 3 meals a day, and avoid hangovers by maintaining a steady 5-day beer buzz.

Jackson is off-track and although Lilly's entire academic future hinges on preschool, she has decided to opt out for a week.

Even though we see Brad for approximately 10 minutes a day (for real), it is way better than not seeing him at all for 8 days.

I'm feeling guilty about all of our fun because here's what Brad's day looked like:

5 a.m.--Wake up

6 a.m.--Rental car breaks down

10 a.m.--Computer crashes for fifth time today

2 p.m.--Finally get new rental car

4 p.m.--Hanging out with nuts and bolts contractors.

5 p.m.--Bring out the keg!

6 p.m.--Tail gate party at the race track!!! YEEEEEE HAAAWWWWW! Hamburgers hard as hockey pucks and charred beyond recognition.

9:30 p.m--Return to the hotel and start working.

Out of respect for Brad, I will not post about the kids and I STUMBLING INTO THE GRAND OPENING OF THE GRAND LUX CAFE IN SCOTTSDALE TONIGHT!!!

Stay tuned, though.

Because let me just tell you it was EVEN BETTER than I remembered.

1 comment:

  1. If it were not for this broken ankle I would be such a good vacay companion. We both know my affinity for Phoenix *sigh*.

    I'm glad you and the tadpoles are having a good time,,,,I wish Brad-o could join in.

    Love you!
