Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's Not that I Don't Like Casual

"Lilly, today is your Thanksgiving Program at school! Come downstairs when you are dressed!"

(scrolling down)

(still scrolling)

(dramatic pause)


And the sock thing, for the record, was not an accident. She actually put some thought into the effect it might have.

This is where I am supposed to embrace her creativity and let her wear this ensemble to school in the 35 degree weather on a day when every single parent will be in the class to watch the critically acclaimed Thanksgiving Program.


I am supposed to let her wear her toddler-sized shorts and Red Raider shirt as part of my commitment to Love and Logic and let her "feel" the consequence of a) freezing to death or b) shame when she sees how other children are dressed.

Except I have not taken Love and Logic.

And I am not so easy-going about how she looks on Program Day.

I won:

And I say to the psychologist: "Send me the bill."

Here she is praising the Lord as an alligator:

And here is my scarecrow stuffed with hay:

And as I tucked her in tonight, I already promised she could wear the Red Raider t-shirt tomorrow. In the privacy of our own home.

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