Monday, September 17, 2007

Back in the Saddle

Well, after about a year hiatus, I've decided to resume blogging. It may be short-lived, but I really want to have a forum to keep the masses updated on our Super Exciting Lives!

Mostly, I want grandparents and extended family to know what's going on with Jackson and Lilly. There are so many hysterical stories to report (probably none now that I'm promising to publish them) and little accomplishments at school that are noteworthy (at least to relatives).

Not to mention the fact that Brad and I are still on the Great Rollercoaster Ride of 2007 and hanging on for dear life. For those of you who haven't seen the trail of tears that I leave in my wake, we are seriously considering a move to Dallas.

So, to answer your questions:
YES! We would love to live near family!
YES! We have only lived in our brand new house that we probably love too much for 3 months and thought we would be in for 30 years because it's near all of our friends and church that we also love.

I will keep you updated on the unfolding drama. And I would covet your prayers as I remember that God is holding us in the palm of his hand. No matter what.

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